What does R-Value mean? How much do I need?

The R-Value – or R-Rating of thermal insulation measures how resistant the insulation is to heat transfer. A higher R-value means a higher resistance to heat transfer. New buildings are generally specified at the design stage as requiring a certain R-value. Before recommending the insulation R-value, consideration will be given to things such as the […]

How does bulk insulation work?

  Bulk insulation is typically installed in ceilings and walls. Knowing how insulation works can help you decide what part of the house to prioritise and maximise the benefits of insulation in your home. Insulation works by restricting the transfer of heat between the inside and outside of your home. The millions of air pockets […]

Does my home need insulation?

Most New Zealand homes require – or at least benefit a lot from – some insulation. One of the benefits of insulation is drastically reducing the amount of heat which enters the home in summer, and the amount of heat which escapes in winter. Insulation helps to maximise the efficiency of indoor heating and cooling, […]

How does reflective foil insulation work?

  Reflective foil insulation works by providing a radiant barrier between a hot surface, and the area on the other side – e.g. between the roof of a house and ceiling space underneath it. Foil insulation depends on an air gap of 2- 3cm between itself and the roof, in order for it to be effective. […]

Is there Wool in Earthwool..?

  What is insulation made of? Knauf Earthwool Glasswool Insulation is not made from wool. It is manufactured from recycled glass bottles, sand and other materials. It is non-hydroscropic (absorbs and holds practically no moisture from the air around it), non-combustible (won’t catch fire) and will not rot or attract vermin. Earthwool Glasswool Insulation uses a […]

How does acoustic (sound) insulation work?

  Acoustic insulation reduces the transmission of sound from outside the home, and between rooms inside the building. Acoustic insulation is effective at addressing both airborne sound transfer (such as aeroplane or vehicle traffic noise) and impact noise – such as the noise of someone walking around up stairs in a multi-storey dwelling. While all […]

Earthwool Insulation – A long stretch of glass

  In the insulation industry, innovation and technology is almost everything. Knauf states that their advanced technology can turn one recycled glass bottle into a 3000 mile long strand of glass! That’s over 4,800km.. One insulation segment contains up to 15 glass bottles, so if you joined all the strands of glass in one insulation segment […]